Back from Sewing Hiatus….

Hi there readers. Many of you have wondered where has she gone? Where is Ms. Sew Frugal? Is she no longer Frugal? Well I’m back from a long break which included and unsuccessful attempt to switch the blog to Bluehost. What a nightmare!! I’ve posted but you got nothing from me. I’ve decided to come back to WordPress and simply enhance what I’ve already put in place. Life just became much easier. I have also been completely bogged down by work. But now that we Have November 6th is behind us perhaps life can return to normal. (yeah right). Well at least Jen’s kind of normal.

This summer was a whirlwind of activities and I will begin updating the blog later this evening. There is so much to catch up on and soon you can join in a sewing challenge for 2013. We will announce in the next few weeks. SEW EXCITING!!! We’ve been swapping, thrift shopping, NYC Road tripping and have had many sewing classes over the past 6 months. In fact we have a Basic Sewing Class coming up on November 28th. Click the Link for more details:

I’ve also started running since we last spoke and now I’m into making running skirts. I’ve found a few companies that make some great skirts but after a few trips to NYC I’m convinced I can design a few for myself which are just as comfortable and even more fashionable. I will also begin promoting my hats. I discussed this is an earlier blog post this year and I’ve worked hard at building up my inventory. Etsy store here I come!!

Well that’s about all for now. 2013 will be all about the Sewing Challenge and believing and realizing my dream. Below is the first step in making that happen. They say if you can see it you can believe it. One day I hope to grace the cover of Sewing Today and have an article written about my latest innovating teaching techniques 🙂 Yes it can happen!



Published by J'en Mai

J'en Restyle and Fashion is all about helping you building a fashionable wardrobe through sewing, refashioning vintage and thrifting. We have sewing classes to help you unleash your creativity and style. Follow us on Instagram @JenRestyleandFashion on Twitter @JenRestyle and You Tube:

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